

New 运动的历史 Course Excites Students

by 加布里埃尔·罗森伯格25岁,特约撰稿人 多边形

Electives 比如体育史 allow students to register for courses with unique topics of interest.

历史老师 贝丝Eby 喜欢运动. She likes them so much that she doesn’t just play or watch them; she has made them central to her career. 有Ph值.D. 在你.S. history and a dissertation titled “Building Bodies, 《打造帝国:性别, 体育, and Colonialism in the United States,” sports are an important element of her work as a historian and teacher. Eby is sharing her passion and expertise with Poly students this fall in a new history elective, 运动的历史.

历史老师 Dr. 贝丝Eby

的 new elective examines societal roles in the history of sport and discusses current topics such as women in sports, 可靠的网堵平台中的土著居民, 可靠的网堵平台中的政治, 和更多的. This course attracts students with a specific interest in the topic, including those aspects that may be more controversial. This course “is particularly geared towards students with certain interests and is intended to excite, light the fire in someone who hadn’t thought about history as relevant to such a fertile topic,” 上学校 院长 Department Chair 艾米丽·加德纳·赫尔佐格, P’24, ’27. 运动的历史 is conversation-based and aims to engage students in a discussion rather than use a traditional lecture style. This fall semester, eighteen students are enrolled in the course.

“Students can benefit from learning about the challenges different communities have faced in accessing all realms of sports… Many people know the more common stories, such as the integration of baseball and Jackie Robinson. Still, they don’t know other communities’ nuances…”

Dr. 贝丝Eby

Eby finds the history of women and gender in sports particularly interesting. She believes “it needs to be more prominently known that women have always been active participants in sports.” Women in sports have always been important to not just Eby, but also to Poly and its students. 一篇来自 纽约时报 日期是1977年10月9日At 保利预科, Girls End a Tradition but Not the Winning One保罗·温菲尔德(Paul Winfield), reports on the first women’s sports teams at Poly and the transformation the school underwent to accommodate female athletes while becoming coed. Furthermore, last year, Poly hosted a tribute for National Girls and Women in 体育 Day, continuing to build a strong tradition of women’s sports in the school community.

(唐森)博士. 贝丝Eby with Nico James ’25, Michelle Rich ’24, Karim Camara ’25

Regarding the 运动的历史 class, multiple teachers, including Gardiner and 维吉尼亚狄龙, 历史 Department Chair, agree that Eby’s teaching style complements the class. “I would say that she is a good fit for the class,” 狄龙. Eby uses a more flexible approach while teaching to bring a positive reception. “的 teaching style in the class is less strict, and students are given more freedom to express their opinions about the topics we discuss,” 朱利安·罗瑞克,25岁.

At Poly, history teachers can be creative in designing classes and curriculums. 尽管有些类, 比如体育史, are electives instead of core requirements, they provide students with variety in their schedules and the ability to register for required courses and topics of interest. “Most of our electives are driven by the teachers’ desire to create a focus for 11th and 12th graders,嘉丁纳说.

(左至右)吴国强,博士. 贝丝Eby, Julia Rosenberg, 24岁.

While the 运动的历史 course is new to Poly, it is not entirely new for Eby. 还有她的Ph值.D., she previously taught a similar course at the University of Texas at Austin. “When the idea was first presented, I believed that it would have a good reception,” 狄龙. So far, the teachers were right. “I play lacrosse myself, and it has a vibrant history, so this class is exciting for me,” 泰勒·佩尔森,25岁. Most of the students currently taking the course provided only positive feedback. “I find the class interesting, and Dr. Eby is a great teacher,” senior 阿奇·内巴特24年. Eby was not surprised by the students’ positive reception: “I thought that it would be a popular class among students, 鉴于保利在体育领域的声誉.” Poly has had a long and renowned history with sports. A 多边形 本文由 杰西·卡瓦列罗,23岁 4月7日, 2023, 保利体育王朝,” discusses Poly’s relationship with sports and the Poly community throughout the years.

Eby, 狄龙, and Gardiner all agree that 运动的历史 is a class that everyone should consider, as sports is a topic enjoyed by many Poly students. “Students can benefit from learning about the challenges different communities have faced in accessing all realms of sports… Many people know the more common stories, such as the integration of baseball and Jackie Robinson. Still, they don’t know other communities’ nuances,” Eby.
