

校友 Panel Offers Insight: What to Expect in College


大学到底是什么样的? Hearing from peers who have been through the college application and decision process is not only helpful, 但是让学生放心. This year’s virtual 校友 Panel event for Grades 11 and 12 students answered their questions. The panelists included recent graduates who are attending college across the U.S. 与国际.


高年级院长 杰米的长者 欢迎2021年校友小组: Antonia Hatzipetros, 17岁 (拉斐特学院), Arman 科曼莎, 18岁 (埃默里大学), 亚历山大·蒙特斯19岁 (伦斯勒理工学院) 杰特·威廉姆斯19岁 (哈佛大学), 奥利维亚·基恩,19岁 (U. St. 安德鲁斯), 约翰·卢克·德斯特法诺,17岁 (纽约大学) 艾玛·萨姆斯坦,19岁 (布林·莫尔) 19岁的Ota Ehue (霍华德). 校友们自我介绍之后, Nestor invited them to take turns answering four questions about their college experience that she had posed to them in advance.

Arman 科曼莎, 18岁
Arman 科曼莎, 18岁
Antonia Hatzipetros, 17岁
Antonia Hatzipetros, 17岁

Arman 科曼莎, 18岁, 谁在埃默里大学学数学, 说 the time management skills he developed at Poly are serving him well in college.  Antonia Hatzipetros 17年, whose major at Lafayette is international affairs and who plans to go to law school in the fall,  说保利让你有机会成功. 在她的国际政治课上, Hatzipetros found that she had “already read some of the pieces for the class in Ms. (米甲)Hershkovitz的类.她补充说,“我有必要的基础。.”

What was the “surprise curveball” you may have encountered?
19岁的Ota Ehue
19岁的Ota Ehue

奥利维亚·基恩,19岁, who is studying international relations and modern history at the University of St. 安德鲁斯 in Scotland, 说 that adjusting to a different country was challenging. 她注意到. 安德鲁斯始建于1413年. 她说,她的讲师一度举行了罢工.

Ota Ehue ' 19, who has a double major in psychology and economics at Howard, 说 at Poly it was easy to get involved with clubs and other activities. “In college, you have to search out” new activities and friends. 在保利, 他参与了《十大网堵平台》, 蓝色笔记, 没有乐器伴奏的, 口语和更多表演艺术的机会. He 说 that before the pandemic he had joined a Gospel Choir at Howard.


John Luke Destefano ' 17 a wrestler at Poly is in the School of Business at NYU. Being an athlete at Poly gave him the time management skills needed to be successful in college. He 建议 students to take each course syllabus and “write everything down in your planner.”

杰特·威廉姆斯19岁, 谁在霍华德商学院, noted how expensive textbooks are and suggested finding alternate places to buy them. He also 建议 students to develop a routine including times to study, work out, rest, and eat.


亚历山大·蒙特斯19年, 在R学习计算机科学的人.P.I.,  suggested finding the student “development center” on campus, where students can get help with writing reports and other projects. “There is always someone there,” he 说, comparing it to Poly’s dean program.

艾玛·萨姆斯坦19岁, who is studying psychology and neuroscience at Bryn Mawr, 建议, “确保你的教授知道你的名字. 去他们的办公时间.” 

蒙特斯支持萨姆斯坦的建议. “去了解你的教授,”他说. He was working on a research project with a professor, who he learned knew someone at Tesla. Montes asked for an introduction and now has an interview at Tesla.


艾米丽·加德纳,24岁,27岁,主席,高年级院长 invited the alumni to talk about ways to make social inroads at college such as dealing with roommates and making friends.

十大网堵平台结交新朋友: 德斯特法诺建议道:“自我介绍一下.” Another alumnus 说 his roommate did not seem very outgoing at first, 但最终成为了他最好的朋友. But another had a roommate who was very different from himself causing him to avoid using his own room. “你会找到你的朋友圈,”他说.

“提醒自己,每个人都是新的,”Keany说. “每个人都有同样的感觉.她补充说,“对自己好一点。.” Another alumnae 说 that after her first semester at college, she felt like she didn’t belong. She came back to Poly and spoke with a teacher who encouraged her to get involved and stay active and that advice has made a difference.

11年级的问题 & 12名学生

十大网堵平台必修课: 加德纳邀请学生提问. One asked if the alumni had to take required classes at their schools. Hatzipetros 说 that even though she is an international affairs major at Lafayette, 她被要求上计算机科学课. “从长远来看,这将有所帮助,”她说. On the other hand, Keany 说 she is only required to take three classes per semester. 但这是各种各样的课程. “It is OK to figure out what works for you,” Keany 说. She noted the importance of having a “work/life balance,” which has included traveling to other countries from her school in Scotland.

选择专业: Gardiner asked the alumni to talk about how easy or difficult it was to decide on a major. 科曼莎 说 that though he “was going to do pre med and economics,他在埃默里大学的导师建议他学习法语, 保利sci, 还有三节数学课. “听你导师的话。” 科曼莎 说. 告诉他你的目标.” Another tip from his advisor: “If the syllabus is unorganized, drop the class.” Williams 建议 students to look at their college’s website to see what its alumni are doing after college.


考虑每一个选择: An alumnus 说 he at first did not want to go to the college he ultimately attended. 但是,随着时间的推移,他在那里变得很舒服. Another alumnus 说 that his first choice school was “too expensive.” Ultimately, he “fell in love” with his college and found that it was the right fit. “不要限制自己,”他说. “看看你所有的选择.” Keany 说 she applied to a “huge swath of schools,” but had an immediate connection to St. 安德鲁斯. “Go to the place and find out for yourself,” she 建议. “不要让任何人给你压力. 考虑每一个选择.”

一个建议: 总结一下, Gardiner asked the alumni to share their single piece of advice for the prospective college students. “不要想太多,”Ehu说. “对自己有信心,”萨姆斯坦说. “探索你周围的一切,”威廉姆斯补充道.

Nestor thanked the panel for their “sage wisdom,” and added, “We are all so proud of you.”


之后 凯特琳·林,21岁 说, “Due to the fact that I am applying to universities internationally, most in the U.K., it was exciting to hear from Olivia Keany ‘19, who has been attending St. 安德鲁斯大学,我申请的其中一所大学. The international perspective is one that is left out of many conversations surrounding college in the U.S,. 所以听听她的经历非常有帮助! 我了解到美国的大学.K. 专门为你的专业定制课程, and you are not required to take classes that aren’t directly connected to your major. This allows for a student to fully immerse themselves in their chosen field of study and to be able to dig deeper in their understanding. 总的来说,这是一个超级高效的Q&A.”
