

After School Fun & Enrichment

It was a Tuesday afternoon at Lower School

公园坡校区一天的课程结束后, many children head for the buses, 但也有很多人留下来参加面向幼儿园-四年级所有学生的课外活动. 这包括一个临时项目,学生们可以吃到健康的零食, do their homework, and play outside or inside. 但也有一个丰富的项目,小到Nursery的学生可以在Spy Kids中发挥创造力,或者学习基本的编程或芭蕾舞,其他人可以参加电影制作课程, 艺术, musical theater, 阀杆, 国际象棋, basketball, dances of the African diaspora, and Harry Potter. 甚至还有专为有抱负的记者开设的低年级报纸.


Lower School Auxiliary Program Coordinator Nathaniel Meek explained, “课外项目(聚点)每天包括10到20个孩子, 根据孩子们是否上了浓缩课或音乐课,他们会来聚点,然后在不同的时间去上不同的课,有时会回到聚点,直到他们被成年人接走.”


Nathaniel Meek

“目前大约有150个孩子每周至少参加一门课程,许多孩子参加多门课程,加上我们的音乐学院课程 Jennifer Nelson,” Meek added.

Curated Care Enrichment Classes

在最近的一个星期二,幼儿园和一年级的学生,谁来了 Jr. 编码, 和他们的朋友聊天,吃点心是不是很兴奋, 然后才转向平板电脑和笔记本电脑,用Scratch学习基本的编程. Four teachers from 编码 Space knelt down next to students to help with coding projects. 一个孩子正在给屏幕上的一条大鱼编程,让它捕捉并吃掉一条小鱼.

Lower School After School coding - teacher with student
Lower School After School coding - Boys laughing
Lower School After School coding - teacher with student
Lower School After School coding - teacher with student
Lower School After School coding - teacher with student

在1B房间里,一小群来自幼儿园和学前班的孩子们正准备制作口罩 Spy Kids. Callie, a teacher from Curated Care helped them. 

Meek explained, Curated Care是一家课后充实公司,为所有小学年龄组提供各种课程和活动. 他们有一个课程选择的目录,我让他们知道我认为哪些课程最适合保利社区. 然后我们安排一个时间表,告诉他们什么时候可以来,谁是老师,然后向家长提供课程.”

In Room 3A: Filmmaking 
Lower School After School Filmmaking posters

3A教室的电影制作班在策划短片方面已经取得了很大的进步. 老师 Adam Benay and Grades 3 and 4 students had plotted out the beginning, 中间, and end of the film considering characters, setting, the “problem,” the main event and how the plot moves forward, how the problem is resolved, a “big learning moment, and how to “tie it up with a bow.”

There was happy banter back and forth about the plot. 贝内说明了他们应该如何制作电影的故事板,以确定角色如何在情节中发展.

“我对他们的热情一点也不感到惊讶,”贝内说. “这堂课让我更加坚信,每个人都想讲故事!” 

Lower School After School Benay teaching filmmaking

“这部电影的计划是在前两节课上形成的,”贝内解释说. “I ask the kids if they have any ideas for our short. 他们给了我两种不同的想法,在我想出如何将这两种想法融合到同一个故事中之后, 我问了他们一些引导性的问题,让他们了解我的思考过程. 我介绍了主角/对手有需求和目标的想法, 很棒的是Poly在三年级教授故事结构的基本形式, 所以他们都对事情应该如何达到高潮有一个背景的理解.”

Next week the class begins filming!


This is the second year Benay has taught the class. “Both years I have been so 他们不仅能提出最初的想法,还能给我留下深刻印象, 而是用一个好故事的必要成分充实它们,” he said.

“协作和朝着共同目标努力是我希望在这门课上教授的东西. 我对孩子们说得很清楚:完成一个电影项目感觉太不可思议了, but it’ll only happen if we work together.”

Lower School After School Benay teaching filmmaking
Active Skill-Building and More 编码

2-4年级的学生在Maurice教练的欢迎下来到了健身房,进行了一些高能量的训练, basketball skill building and friendly competition. 他们分成四队,轮流在球场上跑动投篮. The team that scored four baskets first won.


Lower School After School play - children on slide
Lower School After School play - children on bike and bar

Back inside for more advanced computer science, 三年级和四年级的学生已经代替2A教室的低年级学生上了编程课. Third grader 利亚姆年代. ’33 had been using Scratch to code his name.

Lower School After School play - children with computers

“我的目标一直是丰富孩子们和老师们的课余生活, 并建立持久的记忆,使他们成为更好的学生,最终成为更好的人.”

Nathaniel Meek

Back at Spy Kids, the masks were finished and Jackson W. ’37 was carefully cutting out his mask from the background. 考利老师帮他系上一根松紧带,这样他就可以试穿,并在镜子里看到自己.

Lower School After School Spy kids
Lower School After School Spy kids
Lower School After School Spy kids

“I’m very proud of our program at Poly Lower School!” Meek said. “我们的工作人员对孩子们的关注和对他们个人科目的热情和兴奋是首屈一指的. 我的目标一直是在放学后丰富孩子和老师的生活, 并建立持久的记忆,使他们成为更好的学生,最终成为更好的人. This program, so far, has done just that. 这也是一个了解孩子和家庭的好方法,这种方式与常规的学校不同. 统计数据显示,课外活动可以建立更强大的社区和更好的学习者. 有了这些目标,我们的项目非常成功.”

Arrow pattern green

The fall season is well underway, 但保利家庭可以通过以下方式了解更多十大网堵平台低年级学校的课外活动 logging into the Parent Portal and clicking on the School Resources tab. 家庭也可以联系Nathaniel Meek,低年级辅助项目协调员 电子邮件.
